[https://goodwatch.org/posts/introducing-the-goodwatch/ GoodWatch], a project by [https://twitter.com/travisgoodspeed Travis Goodspeed] to replace the innards of a Casio calculator watch to add additional functionality, notably a transmitter/receiver using a TI CC430F6137. Travis keeps a running [https://twitter.com/travisgoodspeed/status/940263089982902272 Twitter thread] with updates to the project.[[File:GoodWatch and PCB.jpg|none|thumb|GoodWatch assembled and PCB with processor]]Video showing one of the watch 's [[User:Hash|Hash]] built transmit morse code to a [[Kenwood TH-D74A|Kenwood TH-D74]] [[Amateur Radio]].
<youtube width="320" height="240">EMMu5-Bs3KY</youtube><br />