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'''''Editor’s Note:'''''
Without being able to describe all aspects of the above-mentioned standards and their implications in whole, I will follow a route on how it works and what is happening from the point of view of a regular consumer of energy services. Pleas keep in mind that the roll-out for this digital infrastructure is still in full swing at the point of this writing (2025). Whenever use cases are used as examples, they refer to electric energy. This should not divert attention from the fact, these communication standards and protocols do apply to all metered products (Sparten) in energy industries (Water, Heat, Gas, Contracting Services…) as well. Also, I do use the words “electricity” and “electric energy” synonymously and electricity or energy cannot be “consumed” – I know that. Finally: I am only beginning to investigate this. I have some professional experience, but it is limited. If I am wrong and/or describing situations inadequate-lyinadequately, please share your insight either in this Wiki, Recessim Discord or DM (Discord)
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