The sharp tip of this type of scalpel makes it ideal to cut the conductor track without nicking nearby tracks. The blade #11 has a short, straight edge that gives good control over the cut.
=== Steel Probes ===
Steel probes are handy to check soldered IC pins for bad solder joints or mixing / applying small quantities of liquid material (adhesives, uncured solder mask, etc.) in a controlled manner.
==== Straight Probe ====
===== Menda 35122 =====
Feeed meee!
==== Angled / curved Probes ====
Mee too!
====Round edged scalpels====
===Magnification devices===
==== Eye Loupe ====
A simple 7x eye loupe is a small, useful tool for examining small parts. There are single monocular loupes, or for a bit higher cost, head-mounted eyeglass style stereoscopic loupes which may or may not feature replaceable optics.
==== Headband magnifier ====
There are many kinds of head-mounted stereoscopic or single-element magnifying devices available. Some are equipped with LED lights, which is handy but not strictly necessary. The picture below shows one that was purchased from a discount tool store for less than US$10.
[[File:Headband magnifier.jpg|none|thumb|headband magnifier]]