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19 bytes added ,  22:20, 26 April 2020
It is organized as follow :
<br /> 5A A5 00 C0 XX XX  data
where `XX XX` is an information about the current rotation speed of the module, in clock ticks (little endian). <nowiki></nowiki> posted interesting data about this.
`` is composed of 360 group of 4 bytes, organized like this :
<br /> byte 0 : Distance 7:0  byte 1 :  “invalid data” flag : ”quality warning” flag : distance 13:8  byte 2 : Quality 7:0  byte 3 : Quality 15:8
As chenglung points out, the distance information is in mm, and coded on 13 or 14 bits. This would put the tests made by Sparkfun in a room of around 3.3m x 3.9m (11ft x 13 ft ?), which seems reasonable to me. 13 bits should be enough if the sensor is destined to work up to 6m. This needs some tests...