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→‎Sync and Header: Removed 0x2A from the header since new packets were found as part of "New Discovery" YouTube video.
----Of particular note is the difference between versions 1-4 and version 5. In version 5 there are two bits [11] that do not respect the start/stop bit checks of the prior versions. The older protocol expects a 0 start bit, bit 8 data bits and a 1 stop bit. By violating two consecutive start bits the older versions of Gridstream GridStream ignore version 5 even if they have the same CRC Adder! This appears to be a way to add backwards compatibility to newer versions of GridstreamGridStream.
{| class="wikitable"
|+Header for Gridstream
! colspan="32" |Header v1 - v4
! rowspan="3" |
! colspan="32" |Header v5
!0xFF (10 bit)
!0xFF (11 bit)
|0 '''00000000''' 1
|0 '''11111111''' 1
|0 '''00101010''' 1
|0 '''00000000''' 1
|[11] '''11111111''' 1
|0 '''00101010''' 1
----Using GNU Radio it was found that shortening the Sync requirements a bit and incorporating part of the header leads to the cleanest data for further downstream processing. The modified sync shown in 8 bit chunks is shown below.
This table lists Real-time data requests from [] which allows customers to request current meter readings. You will see 0xD5 packets in the data file closely linked to the times above. When the request is made on the website the meter generally responds within 10-15 seconds meaning the system can send a message to the mesh network, traverse across the meters and return fairly quickly.
==== Austin ====
[[:File:Austin energy.txt|Austin energy (Two Meters)]]