Generation 4 and older boards based on M16C processor<gallery>
File:LandisGyr PCB Blank1.JPG|Blank PCB Components side
File:LandisGyr PCB Blank2.JPG|Blank PCB Screen and Buttons side
File:LandisGyr PWB-72127 RevA Bot.JPG|Dual board meter, older design, metering board top
File:LandisGyr PWB-72127 RevA Top.JPG|Dual board meter, older design, metering board bottom
File:LandisGyr PCB 24-2411 RevAC TopScreen.JPG|Top of Gen5 meter board with LCD screen
File:LandisGyr PCB 24-2411 RevAC TopNoScreen.JPG|Top of Gen5 meter board with the LCD screen removed
File:LandisGyr PCB 24-2411 RevAC Bottom.JPG|Bottom of Gen5 meter board, ATSAM4C32 processor is under the large brown capacitor seen in the bottom middle of the PCB.
File:LandisGyr PCB 24-2411 RevAC JTAGSolderPoints.jpeg|Red circled spots are missing 0 ohm resistors you need to solder bridge to enable JTAG connector to function.