====Products without Pb====
=====KEK Solder Paste 4258-138=====
This exotic type of solder is for applications where the upside of its low melting point is worth its downsides in form of more brittle solder joints and potential self-desoldering of components, which make this type of solder a bad fit to use on connectors and other components that are exposed to mechanical stress in the operation. The use in power applications, where the package of components can reach the melting point of this solder, is another application where this kind of solder should not be used.[[File:Kek-solderpaste-bot.jpg|none|thumb|KEK Solder Paste 4258-138<br />Melting point: 138°C<br />Alloy: Sn42Bi58<br />Microns: 20-38um]]
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====Products containing Pb====
=====Mechanic TY-V866, d=0.2mm, 1%..3% flux=====
[[File:Mechanic TY-V866.jpg|none|thumb|Mechanic 0.2mm, 1%..3% flux, Rosin core<br>Melting point: 183°C]] =====KEK Solder Paste 4258-138=====[[File:Kek-solderpaste-bot.jpg|none|thumb|KEK Solder Paste 4258-138<br />Melting point: 138°C<br />Alloy: Sn42Bi58<br />Microns: 20-38um]]<br />
===Soldering Flux===
Soldering flux is the magic ingredient for a soldering job with many functions that makes it a breeze. It cleans and de-greases the components, promotes wetting (makes solder stick to the components instead of balling up) and reduces oxidation. The "tacky" variety also helps to keep the component in place so the usual step of "tacking down" a component can be skipped with enough soldering skill.
==== CHIPQUIK SMD29130CC ====
[[File:Chipquik SMD29130CC rev1.jpg|none|thumb|CHIPQUIK No-Clean Tack Flux SMD29130CC]]