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In the HAN you will find all the Controllable Local Systems ('''CLS'''). These are switches controlled by the SMGW and can be turned on or off or put into a “reduced power mode”. This is the sole purpose of the HAN to have access to one or more CLS. Pictures are often shown with including the consumers smart-home components and proprietary in-home-displays ('''IHD'''), but this is just obfuscation. The truth is all consumers will connect their smart home components in their home WLAN and in one way or another directly to the meters for readout or in the case of a power generating situation (photovoltaic, wind, generators) to the inverters / regulators of that generation unit. The CLS sole purpose is reduce the risk of instability for the grid in energy shortage situations and to enable the grid operators to shut down high consumption appliances like professional grade electric heaters, air conditioning, washer and dryers, kitchen ovens, stove, furnaces, wall boxes for e-mobility, instantaneous water heaters and heat pumps. The owner of a house will effectively loose the final control over these appliances if they have been connected through an CLS. As of now, consumers and house owners are tricked into the CLS acceptance process by offering discounts on the price of the kWh. But the national institute for electrical engineering (VDE) is working on standards making it mandatory to connect anything with an electrical power of more than a thousand Watts to a CLS. Making it illegal to constantly operate those without an CLS.
[[File:CLS-HAN.png|thumb|CLS in HAN]] Imagine, you are generating electricity from solar power coming from your house’s roof to charge your electric vehicle in your garage, which is connected to a wall box. Now the grid’s frequency turns suddenly low, and the grid operator decides to dump “unnecessary” load. Your CLS will be turned off. The excessive electricity from your roof will be immediately diverted to the grid to have it furthermore stabilized. You get 8ct per kWh for tis stunt, but your car remains uncharged. A similar doomed situation occurs if grid frequency rises. Your solar export to the grid will be just cut off by commanding the inverters to reduce efficiency by frequency manipulation. The electric vehicle is charged with grid power at 50 ct/kWh. Your customer data record at the energy supplier and the grid operator will contain and release the information about the possibility of remotely deactivating import or export to the grid. This information is exchanged through UN/CEFACT BDEW UTILMD PID 55112/55113/55114[[File:BDEW UTILMD PID.png|thumb|UN/CEFACT BDEW UTILMD PID 55112/55113/55114]]
You can be exempt from remote control if you are a hospital or a government agency and do rely on electricity on a higher priority than consumers.
Please note, routing is not available between these networks: LMN, HAN and WAN trough the smart meter gateway. It purely acts as a “bridge”, receiving messages from one network and sending different messages but accordingly to the purpose, to another attached network.
====== Reading Smart Meter Information ======
[[File:FlashlightPIN.png|alt=|thumb|entering PIN with a flashlight]]
[[File:SM reader writer.png|alt=|thumb|Tasmota based reader writer]]


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